Yes, you read it right. In life we come across many situations which are difficult to face or deal with. In such situations we come across two choices, the one which most people follow or I would say choose and the other is the high road. It is up to us which path we take.
The first one will be easy at that moment or may be the temporary solution to the situation. We may feel comfortable or it would satisfy our ego, mind and most importantly it will help us fit in as most people follow it. The high road will always be the difficult one to choose and moreover to follow. The high road may seem difficult or full of obstacles, crashes our ego, it may leave us alone, it may be full of challenges. It may be a bumpy ride but there will be light at the end of the tunnel. We may feel like giving up many times, there will not be shortcuts, we may not get quick results compared to the easy choice but trust me my friend the results you will get will be long lasting, authentic, in alignment with your true self, abundant and very rewarding.
It takes lot of courage, strength, consistency, love will power, unconditional trust in the divine and a strong faith that there is light at the end of the tunnel. No matter what who supports you on the high road, just remember the universe, divine power, your guides and your higher self are always supporting you, as you my dear are working towards contributing to raise the vibration of the universe.
Stay blessed. Love, Light and Peace :)
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