What is happiness for you? Keep smiling always? Happy in good time? Optimistic irrespective of outside. Give it a thought. We are happy when times are giod. What about the other ones? Do we feel happy then also? Answer is no. It's okay to be not happy at times. Most of the times life will not be as we expect. What can be done?
Allow yourself to feel emtions without guilt. It's okay to feel anger, resentment, betrayal, hopelessness, loss etc. We are here in this earth school to learn and grow from our experiences. Feel those emotions, learn lessons, release, don't dwell. Once you attach an emotion to your experience then you will be biased towards all your future experiences. Even if the experience is good, attaching that not so positive emotion to it will not allow you to have a fresh new experience and you will experience the same old emotion more intensely. This will create a pattern. To break this chain we need to learn to detatch our emotions and our experiences.
This is the way you can create your happiness. Be childlike. What is the difference between a child and an adult? Children go with the flow. They don't resist. They feel whatever they are feeling. Smile, dance, cheer, shout, cry, demand for what they want. They are just completely into that moment. They live that moment, feel it and let go of the outcome. They are ready for the new experience again with fresh mind, fresh outlook, same enthusiasm, same energy This is the reason that children are the ones with highest energy levels. They live free spirited. Can we do it? Let's just think of giving it a try. Do what you like, sing, dance, paint, read, play instrument, play sports, travel and most importantly play with your children. This will help you to just be in that child like energy again and create your own happiness. So, let's all be happy again 😊
Stay blessed. Love, Light, Peace ♥️🌅✌🏻