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There is Sunset before every Sunrise..!!

Yes we all know this, what's most important is to have faith that even if the sun is setting

today evening it will again rise tomorrow

more brightly with more power & strength. Sun even being so powerful takes time to rechange, rejuvenate daily to rise stronger next morning. Let us not underestimate timeout's value. Learn to identify when to slow down, take that break needed to recharge our batteries.

Peace, love & hormony are the basic necessities of life. It's ok to fail, accept that everyday is not sunny, be vulnerable, be imperfect, be you, accept that our light may dim sometimes but to have inner knowing, trust that it will shine again & this time more brightly. Be mindful to spend the transition time. Everyone has to face some or the other hardship, what matters is the attitude to deal with. One has two choices either live in victim mentality complaining external circumstance or learn a lesson, grow for highest good. This may seem idealistic but this is the key. It is ok to feel every emotion & let go. Don't judge yourself based on external or emotional state at that point. Just trust & tell yourself that this is temporary & this too shall pass. Suppressing emotions is not the right way to deal with it. Allow yourself to feel those emotions, vent it all out, do what you can, just surrender & let go. It's ok to have unshakable faith in the divine & surrender knowing that everything is working at divine time, divine order.

There is darkest hour of the night before down. If you have unconditional faith in the divine & surrender, you will be able to sail smoothly even through the storms. The key is to channel your energy constructively in exercise, hobbies, meditation, self-reflection & much needed me time. Its just the matter of perspective, choice is yours. Ones who complain about life may repeat lessons until learnt & one's who feel grateful for life, trust divine power will sail through lessons & evolve. Always remember every sunset brings a fresh new beginning renewed energy along with it. Its up to you whether you focus upon the darkest hours or the light that it will bring with it.

Affirmation- I choose to focus on light in every situation life I choose love over fear.

Stay blessed. Love, Light and Peace ♥️🌅


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